The Pantry Book

a notebook of homekeeping, crafts, and professional motherhood

I asked Derm Dad to read this article:

After reading it, he asked me, “What’s our battle? And are we fighting it?”

I said, “I think our battle is for eucharisteo. Satan wants us to be ungrateful, to question whether God is really good. When we choose contentment, even in the hard things, that is the Spiritual victory.”

Everett in the PICU, 2011. As bad as this picture looks, living in the hospital for two weeks, praying that he would survive the craniotomy, praying he would even be able to breathe on his own, THAT was easier than life is now. With all the therapy and him still not crawling, sitting, rolling, etc.. It’s not as easy to NOT think about the future. And that’s ok. It’s hard, but God is enough.

Lord, thank you for Everett’s stroke. Thank you for making things so much harder than they would have been if Everett had the use of his whole brain instead of only half. Thank you for the way our entire family is learning how to lean on You for Every. Little. Thing. Because I know I can’t do this on my own. But you are enough, Lord. And you are good to me.

I am learning all this from Ann Voskamp’s exquisitely challenging book, One Thousand Gifts.


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